Our Atlanta Studio is available for rent - hourly/daily/weekly


Welcome to our new home in Grant Park, downtown Atlanta. We have just completed our studio renovation which includes new soundproof floors and walls.

Whether you hired Cogito’s video or photography services -or- you want the space to work your own project, you have come to the right place. Our studio can be painted any color you prefer and has been sound treated and sound proofed. Feel free to adjust your own thermostat for ideal comfort, or turn off the air if sound is being recorded for professional results. Our overhead lights are 5600K color balanced but have plenty of professional lighting for rent if your project requires such!

Please reach out to us with any rental inquiries and we will be happy to provide additional info and availability. Our space is also great to host classes and meetings!


Call us today! (404) 300-9510 or email info@gocogito.com