2020 Special - 20% off equipment for new customers!


It’s 2020 and we want to usher in the new decade with a super duper special. All new clients get a whopping 20% off equipment rental up to $1000 for any project. We don’t want to forget about our current clients either! If you have already done business with us, but want to cash in on our special, refer a friend! Once your referral cashes in on this special, you will receive the same offer. Win-Win!!!

A LITTLE MORE IN DETAIL: In a nutshell, our two main costs are equipment and labor. Since we don’t want to cut the pay to our great employees and contractors, we will take 20% off of what Cogito charges for it’s equipment (up to $1000 off!). We still have to pay the bills with the other 80% but want to celebrate this new decade with you! It’s the roaring 20’s, let’s make some great content!

Contact us today and mention the 2020 special and we will get the ball rolling.

(404) 300-9510 -or- info@gocogito.com